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The outgoing government reduced primary public spending by 6% of GDP. This was not achieved with a public sector managing strategy but with real public expenditure reductions thanks to increasing inflation. In order to improve the social situation, it is key to stop using inflation as an instrument of fiscal adjustment. (more…)
MOREThe PISA 2018 tests confirm, once again, the deep and persistent decline of the Argentine educational system. This is the consequence of the education policy focusing on teachers’ salaries and not on school results. Those most affected by the decadence are the youngster from poor households. (more…)
MOREBeyond the electoral defeat, the left-wing Frente Amplio of Uruguay has demonstrated that combining rationality and good institutions is possible to grow with social inclusion. The experience is very instructive in the face of an accumulation of failures among the countries in South America. (more…)
MOREThe muddle around a protocol for abortion shows the level of ignorance about how the federal system works. The protocol was merely an optional guide since medical regulations are a provincial jurisdiction. Spain, which eliminated its national “Ministry of Health”, should be imitated. (more…)
MOREThe upheaval in Bolivia generates passionate controversies. This obscures the Bolivian remarkable economic and social performance. Regarding the challenges that Argentina faces, Bolivia’s most instructive lesson is that fiscal discipline is a source of social progress. (more…)
MOREThe main challenge for the new president is to balance public finances. It is not an explicit citizens’ demand, but an implicit one underlined in the growing rejection of the Argentine peso. This is observed in the people’s urgency to buy goods or dollars to get rid of the pesos and protect themselves from high inflation. (more…)
MOREThe good practice of debating among presidential candidates was distorted by an agenda with issues –such as security, education, health, social welfare, environment, and housing– which are not the federal government’s concern. Respecting the distribution of jurisdictions’ roles is key to come out of the crisis. (more…)
MOREThe Supreme Court questioned the decrees through which the federal government decided to reduce VAT on food, the income tax, and the Monotributo. It is pertinent to reject this norm but demagogic and incoherent in the way the Supreme Court implemented it. (more…)
MOREThe available evidence does not support the claim that the poor live on tax-financed state transfers paid by the middle class. The reason is that the public sector manages an enormous mass of public resources in a disorderly and arbitrary manner that, in its major part, does not benefit the poor. (more…)
MOREThe governor of Chubut laid some of the blame for the teachers’ strike in his province on the federal Secretary of Education allegedly for not sending him funds. This shows how federal interventions in services in charge of the provinces do not provide solutions, but excuses to elude responsibilities from their own failures. (more…)