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El modelo de negociación colectiva argentino es extremadamente vetusto (data de la década del 50 o sea de hace 70 años), muy centralizador y no respeta la representatividad ni de los trabajadores ni de los empleadores. Específicamente, tiene dos instituciones que llevan a este resultado. Una es la ultra actividad por ley, que establece que los convenios colectivos se mantienen vigentes aun cuando venzan. La otra es la extensión automática, que dice que los convenios sectoriales se aplican de manera automática y obligatoria a todos los empleadores de ese sector aunque dichos empleadores no estén afiliados a la asociación empresaria que firma el convenio sectorial. (more…)
MOREIn Argentine society, the aspiration to promote social justice is adamant among the majority of the population. But for this to happen, a less regressive tax structure is essential. The fiscal crisis is the opportunity to go ahead in decreasing distortionary taxes on production and strengthening the taxes on wealth. (more…)
MOREIn the first half of the year it can be seen a significant fall in the fiscal deficit. No less relevant is that it occurred, not so much because of an increase in income, but because public spending grew much less than inflation. The key now is to quickly reorganize the public sector to give sustainability to this process. (more…)
MOREReality imposes a reordering of the federal public sector. As important as to tend to financial sustainability is to improve the quality of the interventions. A key step is to critically review the national programs that overlap with services in charge of the provinces and municipalities. (more…)
MOREThe decision that the Central Bank stops financing the Treasury is a good practice in institutionalism and transparency. But it does not solve the basic problem which is the endemic fiscal deficit. Whatever the strategy to control the dollar is, success is tied to a credible plan to reduce public spending. (more…)
MOREThe escalation of the dollar generates anxiety. The process will not be stopped by the Central Bank selling more dollars. To control the situation a consistent plan to reduce the fiscal deficit is required. This must include improving the management of social programs and ending inequities in the pension system. (more…)
MOREThe official information on the situation of the labor market gives indications that at the beginning of the year the job creation capacity of the companies was recovering. But surely the process was interrupted. Strengthening this incipient labor improvement is another reason to accelerate the public finance ordering. (more…)
MOREThe devaluation put an end to the artificial increase in the purchasing power in terms of dollars caused by the financing of the fiscal deficit with external debt. To generate sustainable improvements of income in term of dollars, there is no need of better Central Bank presidents but genuine increases in productivity. (more…)
MOREThe agreement with the IMF stipulates that the national Treasury will not be able to receive financing from the Central Bank anymore. This requires accelerating the reduction in public spending. To this end, a more comprehensive restructuring of the public spending must be addressed, including the social spending. (more…)
MOREThe presidential veto to an opposition initiative ordering the comeback of the utility subsidies laid bare the mediocrity of politics. The fiscal situation is critical and the reduction of subsidies is the only advance. Ordering the public finances demands a more integral approach that includes a pension system reform and the reconstruction of federalism. (more…)