IDESA publishes indicators on the main Argentine macroeconomic variables.



CPI interannual variation in Marzo 2024



4red Trimester 2023



In individuals, 2nd Trimester 2023



In households, 2nd Trimester 2023



Corresponding to a typical household composed by two adults and two children under 8 years old. This basket only considers food goods and services calculated based on the nutritional requirements for household members.

Corresponding to a typical household composed by two adults and two children under 8 years old. This basket amplifies the extent of the basic food basket by adding goods and services such as clothes, mobility, health, housing, etc.

Shows the monthly evolution of the economic activity of all the productive sectors at the national level. This indicator allows anticipating the variation rates of the quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is calculated by the aggregation of the value added at basic prices of each of the economic activities plus the taxes net of subsidies to the products, using the weights of the national accounts of the Argentine Republic with base on 2004. It attempts to replicate the methods for calculating quarterly and / or annual GDP, as long as the availability of information sources for a shorter period allows it. (Extracted from INDEC)

It measures the manufacturing industrial sector evolution on a monthly basis and is calculated from the variables of production in physical units, sales in physical units, use of inputs for manufacturing products, apparent consumption, man-hours in the production process and deflated sales at current prices, at national level. All the selected variables provide data on more than 5,000 manufacturing industry establishments. (Extracted from INDEC)

It shows the evolution of the sector taking as a reference the demand for construction supplies. For the calculation of the ISAC are considered the apparent consumption of: ceramic sanitary ware, asphalt, seamless steel pipes, portland cement, round iron for concrete, hollow bricks, ceramic floors and coatings, construction paints, plasterboard and flat glass.(Extracted from INDEC)

It is calculated as a percentage between the economically active population and the total reference population. (Extracted from INDEC)

It is calculated as a percentage between the employed population and the total reference population. (Extracted from INDEC)

It is calculated as a percentage between the unemployed population and the economically active population. (Extracted from INDEC)

To calculate the incidence of poverty we follow the methodology used by INDEC (Calculation of the incidence of poverty ). Since there is no information at the provincial level, the incidence by province is approximated by adding the agglomerates surveyed in the EPH.

Is calculated as revenue minus total expenditure of the non Financial Public Sector. (from the National Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance) See More.

Calculated as a percentage between primary balance and the Gross Domestic Product, current prices.

Is primary balance plus net interest payable/paid (interest expense minus interest revenue). See More.

Calculated as a percentage between general government primary net lending/borrowing and the Gross Domestic Product, current prices.

Mide el desempeño del sector manufacturero sobre la base de información proporcionada por empresas líderes, cámaras empresarias y organismos públicos que informan sobre productos e insumos representativos. Este indicador obtiene la evolución en términos de volumen físico de los principales rubros industriales, bloques sectoriales y nivel general de la industria. (Extraído de INDEC)

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  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 41.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 9.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 30.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 7.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Basic food basket $ 358,049 * March 2024

    Total basic basket $ 773,385 * March 2024

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 45.8% * 4erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 48.6% * 4erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 5.7% * 4erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 35.7% * 4erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart ECONOMIC ACTIVITY

    Manufacturing Industrial Production Index (Manufacturing IPI) -9.9% * Interannual variation in February 2024

    Monthly Estimator of Economic Activity (EMAE) -3.20% * Interannual variation in February 2024

    Synthetic Indicator of Construction Activity (ISAC) -24.6% * Interannual variation in February 2024

  • insert_chart INFLATION

    CPI monthly variation 13.2% * Monthly variation in February 2024

    CPI accumulated annual variation 36.6% * Accumulated annual variation to February 2024

    CPI interannual variation 276.2% * Interannual variation in February 2024

  • insert_chart PUBLIC FINANCES

    Primary balance in millions of $ $1,232,524 * February 2024

    Primary balance in millions of $ -850.63% * Year-on-year cumulative percentage change to February 2024

    Financial balance in millions of $ $338,112 * February 2024

    Financial balance in millions of $ -183.7% * Year-on-year cumulative percentage change to February 2024

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 46.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 11.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 36.0% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 8.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 44.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 48.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 6.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 36.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 41 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 45.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 7.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 34.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 6.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 42.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 44.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 3.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 45.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 68 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 59.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 19.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 52.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 15.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 40.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 42.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 4.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 43.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 90 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 35.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 5.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 27.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 42.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 44.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 4.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 20.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 68 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 41.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 9.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 28.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 6.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 46.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 49.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 6.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 43.0% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 56 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 36.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 26.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 5.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 42.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 44.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 5.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 40.0% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 112 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 45.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 14.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 35.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 10.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 41.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 43.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 5.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 34.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 68 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 32.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 9.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 22.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 6.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 36.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 36.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 1.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 41.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 52 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 46.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 10.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 36.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 7.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 46.0% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 48.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 4.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 40.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 58 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 37.0% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 14.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 27.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 10.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 44.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 47.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 7.0% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 27.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 100 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 43.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 33.0% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 45.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 47.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 3.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 39.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 45 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 43.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 33.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 5.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 46.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 48.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 5.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 39.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 53 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 36.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 7.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 27.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 5.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 46.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 47.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 2.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 41.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 75 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 29.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 5.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 23.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 45.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 47.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 5.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 21.0% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants - * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 38.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 7.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 29.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 39.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 40.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 1.1% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 24.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 72 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 37.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 29.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 5.0% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 43.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 45.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 4.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 47.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 79 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 34.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 3.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 25.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 3.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 41.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 43.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 4.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 44.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 38 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 44.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 35.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 5.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 43.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 45.2% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 3.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 39.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 72 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 32.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 26.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 5.0% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 45.4% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 46.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 2.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 18.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 72 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 37.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 7.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 26.6% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 6.1% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 45.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 47.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 4.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 34.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 35 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 48.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 36.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 45.3% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 45.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 0.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 48.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 133 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 27.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 4.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 20.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.7% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 46.7% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 50.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 7.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 8.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 110 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 45.0% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 9.3% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 35.5% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 7.8% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 46.0% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 48.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 5.8% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 48.5% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants 66 * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS

  • insert_chart LIVING CONDITIONS

    People poverty rate 18.4% * 2nd trimester 2023

    People indigence rate 6.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household poverty rate 12.9% * 2nd trimester 2023

    Household indigence rate 4.2% * 2nd trimester 2023

  • insert_chart LABOUR MARKET

    Employment rate 52.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Activity rate 54.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Unemployment rate 3.6% * 3erd Trimester 2023

    Informality rate 24.9% * 3erd Trimester 2023

  • insert_chart PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT

    Number of public employees per 1000 inhabitants - * December 2016. Source: IDESA based on MTSS