Sector Público (ingles)
Moratoriums in the pension system undermine financial sustainability and equity because they generate double coverage. The government’s project to eliminate them is pertinent. But it would be convenient to accompany it with the elimination of the minimum of 30 years of contributions and perfecting the PUAM. (more…)
MOREOne of the 10 points that the government proposed for the May Pact is the updating of labor regulations. The deep and chronic deterioration of the labor market makes this reform unquestionable. However, its implementation will require much more technical and political expertise than what has been shown so far. (more…)
MOREThe high poverty rate in Argentina is a chronic phenomenon. Its main cause is the prevailing consensus for decades sustaining wrong public policies. Milei broke this inertia with disruptive ideas. However, he needs to develop more technical and political capabilities to implement them. (more…)
MOREThe government wants the assets of the Sustainability Guarantee Pension Fund (FGS) to be transferred to the Treasury. Before its transfer, it must be used to cancel the long-standing debt that the ANSES has with national retirees for lawsuits and with the provinces for the deficit of the pension provincial funds. (more…)
MOREThe government of La Rioja decided to issue quasi money. The problem is the excess of spending, especially in public employment, financed with co-participation and national discretionary transfers. There is an urgent need to redesign the tax system, including the replacement of co-participation by a Convergence Fund. (more…)
MOREThe Omnibus law proposes changes to the “1,000 Days Law”, a health act that grants additional family allowances to mothers with children under 3 years of age. Congress has the opportunity to rectify mistakes and improve social protection by simplifying and automating the family allowances system. (more…)
MOREOne of the errors of the omnibus law is that it maintains the double negotiation in the teachers’ salaries. The federal government intervening in the negotiation of the salaries paid by the provinces is a permanent source of conflict and pressure for part of the provincial teachers’ salaries to be paid with national funds. (more…)
MOREThe omnibus law partially limits bank withholding taxes. This will be legally challenged by the provinces that rely heavily on Sales withholdings. A better option is the total elimination of withholdings and offering the provinces that the AFIP (the federal tax agency) collects Sales Tax together with VAT. (more…)
MOREThe DNU stipulates that health insurance companies will compete directly, without the need to refer contributions from a social security organization. For all people to be able to choose freely, the per capita income of low-wage families must be raised. This can be achieved by ordering the Solidarity Redistribution Fund. (more…)
MOREThe government announced the reduction of discretionary transfers to provinces within the fiscal adjustment package. This reduces the fiscal deficit in the short term. But, to be sustainable in the medium term, a new tax and functional coordination agreement between the nation and the provinces is needed. (more…)