Nacionales (ingles)
The president claimed that 21 provinces have full employment because unemployment rates are very low. This statement incurs in a frequent misinterpretation of labor statistics. Full employment is achieved when there is low unemployment and high labor participation, which is not the case in Argentina. (more…)
MOREThe fiscal deficit jumped sharply in January. It is the consequence of delayed payments in December to show a decrease in the deficit in 2022. Another evidence that the fiscal adjustment cannot fix the financial and management deficits caused by the Argentine State’s deficient organization. (more…)
MOREIn the face of the national fiscal disaster, the performance of the provinces is taken as a model to follow. However, the low quality of provincial public services shows that fiscal adjustment is not enough. It is necessary to put an end to financial and management deficits through a comprehensive reorganization of the State. (more…)
MOREThe government shows satisfaction with the fiscal deficit reduction and concern for the increasing inflation. This is an incongruence since it is thanks to inflation that the fiscal deficit fell. More worrying is that the opposition party does not come up with any better ideas regarding the use of inflation to adjust the public finances. (more…)
MOREThe accusations between the government and the opposition about who is responsible for the public debt and who should bear the explosion of the “bomb” miss the focus. The excess of debt is the result of the chronic accumulation of fiscal deficits derived from the bad organization of the State. (more…)
MOREThe statement issued by the governors requesting the President to disobey the Court’s ruling confirms that the co-participation’s tangle has no solution. The only way out is to return to the scheme originally provided for in the Constitution, which consists of each province being financed with the taxes collected in its territory. (more…)
MOREThe enormous happiness caused by the third Soccer World Cup contrasts with the sadness of being the World Champion of Inflation. This “achievement” is neither a product of luck nor the exclusive merit of this government. It is the result of the fact that, as in soccer, everyone is wearing the same shirt: the fiscal deficit. (more…)
MOREIn a federal country, each province is the architect of its own development. That is why it is perverse to concentrate resources at the national level and then co-participate them among the provinces. It is key to eliminate co-participation and let each province collect on its territory the taxes it needs to promote its development. (more…)
MOREThe long history of high and persistent fiscal deficits financed by money issuance explains people’s rejection of the peso. This rejection is what makes monetary printing inflationary. In this framework, expecting that inflation will go down when the dollar-soja –which increases issuance– is reinstalled is very contradictory. (more…)
MOREIn Argentina, there is a tendency to believe that state-owned companies have a strategic role that justifies their being subsidized. This practice has been so abused that it has reached the extreme of allocating more subsidies to state-owned companies than in the Universal Child Allowance and the food stamp program. (more…)