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Oil production

Mexico suffers a similar energy crisis as Argentina

Elections in Argentina showed the ruling party and the opposition having unsubstantial disputes. There is yet no awareness about the severity of the accumulated problems and the costs of carrying on with bad policies. No proposal emerges to overcome this critical situation. Thus, analogies between the oil crisis in Mexico and Argentina offer a very sobering testimony of the difficulties both countries face and the political difficulties that surge in trying to reverse the consequences of demagoguery and voluntarism.



Oil production has fallen to the same level as 20 years ago

In the last decade, Argentina has suffered an unprecedented setback in its oil production capacity. This has happened due to the systematic application of irrational regulations such as prohibitions, privileges, inadequate taxes and nontransparent subsidies.  In this context, the YPF-Chevron agreement is neither the “salvation” nor a “surrendering” to foreign interests, but the continuation of the bad results since the same logic of wrong regulations is still present. In order to reverse the failure and achieve positive results better rules are needed. 
