Public sector archivos - IDESA

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Public sector

Public consumption grows at a 30% annual rate

Prolonged blackouts, high inflation and the accelerated loss of reserves are all signs of deep macroeconomic imbalances. The energy crisis will not be solved by fining utilities, neither inflation will be stopped by announcing price agreements, nor the reserves will be recovered by discouraging traveling abroad. The key issue is to restore the macroeconomic balance by stopping the exacerbated growth of public consumption led by economic subsidies and redundant public employment. 



The state manages nearly half the GDP

The public sector never had so many resources and, paradoxically, never accumulated so many questionings from society about the quality of the services provided.  There are families migrating to private education, health and security and even self-defense organizations or the self-generation of electricity with the use of generators. Posing the size of the state as a ideological principle is pointless.  Citizen’s quality of life depends on intelligent, transparent and professionalized governance. 
