Nacionales (ingles) archivos - Page 5 of 6 - IDESA

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Nacionales (ingles)

45% of the families live out of informality



14 recessive episodes in 6 decades



Judges and ambassadors will keep privileged retirements



Argentina accumulates 60 years of fiscal deficit



The pension system has to be ordered to reverse economic decline



60% of people in welfare do not have education for a good job



$17 billion a year is spent on food plans

Since the 2002 crisis, the federal government has been allocating a significant amount of resources to food plans, without any positive result. The Argentine Plan Against Hunger is not original in any form. That’s why it is guaranteed to fail beyond the political gains its executors may capitalize on. (more…)


The fiscal deficit was lowered by inflation

The year 2019 shows a significant reduction in the primary fiscal deficit. However, this is the result of a costly and unsustainable process. It is based on the loss of real value on pensions, salaries and public investment produced by inflation. A comprehensive ordering of the public sector is needed to achieve a genuine fiscal balance.   (more…)


Federal government negotiating teachers’ salaries damages education

The federal government decided to intervene again in the negotiation of teachers’ salaries. The main consequences of this interference are increasing labor conflicts, and teacher strikes since teachers are employed by the provinces. Therefore, they are the ones responsible for paying the teachers’ salaries. (more…)


The coparticipation regime is reformed with no transparency

The government proposed to reduce the federal tax co-participation to the City of Buenos Aires and to re-establish national subsidies in that jurisdiction. This contradiction is the consequence of keeping on postponing a transparent debate on the co-participation regime to give equity and efficiency to federalism.     (more…)