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The rapprochement of church leaders to their trade union peers is uphold under the argument that they are united by concerns about the social situation. One tool they could contribute if they want to to reduce poverty is to allow SMEs to move away from centralized collective agreements and move to firm-level negotiations. (more…)
MOREOne of the most worrying consequences of the crisis is the loss of jobs. There are ways to avoid it. A tool that proved to be highly effective is the one that Germany applied in the 2008 crisis, enabling smaller companies to deviate from the sectorial collective agreements and negotiate with their workers at company level. (more…)
MOREFiscal adjustment is not a whim of public officials but an imposition of reality. The systematic lack of austerity in the public sector generates an imbalance that no one is willing to finance. With more agility and strategic sense in the ordering of the public sector, equilibrium can be reached with reduced social costs.
MOREBesides the economic crisis, poverty roots are structural. One is the high proportion of poor household members that do not work. For this reason, it is key that the federal government concentrates in generating employment instead of squandering public funds in poverty alleviation programs which are a provincial responsibility. (more…)
MOREArgentina’s history is marked by crises originated by a State that systematically spends more than it can afford. In order not to persevere in failure, it is essential to transcend the traditional adjustments by adopting more ambitious and innovative measures in the process of ordering the public sector.
MOREThe dollar reached a value almost equivalent to the one which would arise if all the pesos went to buy dollars. Such an extreme has been reached due to a deep loss of confidence in the fiscal policy. To regain normality, a politically viable strategy to reduce the fiscal deficit must be agreed upon. (more…)
MOREAlthough it demands a complex logistics for its manipulation, cash is a great promoter and facilitator of corruption. Therefore, to induce a massive use of electronic money would be a central step toward decency in Argentina. Not only because corruption would be difficult but also tax evasion. (more…)
MOREThe growth of pension spending is the main factor of destabilization of public finances. Trying to lower the fiscal deficit without reforming the rules of the pension system is financially unsustainable and socially unfair because it implies continuing to preserve privileged treatments and double coverage. (more…)
MOREThe “Diary” of the Kirchneristas’ driver and the repentant businessmen who collaborate with Justice to uncover corruption cases should not surprise. For years, international competitiveness indexes come warning that the country suffers an ethical and institutional degradation similar to that of the most backward countries. (more…)
MOREThe tragedy of the school that exploded due to a gas escape is the result of rudimentary management. The salaries leave little space for supplies and repairs that, in addition, are administered centrally. It is necessary to professionalize and empower directors as key actors in educational management. (more…)