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Dentro del sistema de protección social argentino, uno de sus componentes más antiguo es el sistema de protección por los riesgos del trabajo. En 1915, con la Ley 9.688 se estableció un sistema por el cual los empleadores se obligaban a reparar los infortunios que ocurrieran en los lugares de trabajo (accidentes de trabajo) o bien como derivado de ellos (enfermedades laborales). Lo saliente fue que se definió un listado de enfermedades y una regla de tarifación para el cálculo de las indemnizaciones. Los empleadores podían contratar un seguro comercial o bien hacer frente ellos a los costos de las reparaciones[…]
MOREIn the crisis, there is a proliferation of unhelpful proposals since they generate more public expenditure or less revenue. With innovative ideas and coordination between jurisdictions, the reform of the labor risk system shows that social protection and competitiveness can be improved without raising the fiscal deficit.
MOREMc Donald’s famous burger is used to compare the exchange rates between countries. With this indicator, the dollar in Argentina appears quite misaligned to neighboring countries. This can be useful to temporarily adjust the external sector but it is still pending to achieve competitiveness in more genuine ways.
MOREThe low fiscal deficit is good news but should be taken with caution since it was based on the inflationary surge. The reason is that the fiscal revenues follow the increase in prices while pensions and public salaries do the same but with delay. Sustainable fiscal balance can only be achieved through fiscal reforms.
MOREBolsonaro shows arrogance in the approach to many problems in Brazil. But it manifests a striking ambiguity and timidity in the face of the severe pension crisis. As it happens in Argentina, opting for gradualism to face this challenge is the best way to make the government plan fail.
MORETo overcome the recurrence of economic crises, it is essential to clean up the public finances. This demands a more sustainable pension system. The reforms should consider that Argentina, a country still relatively young, spends on retirements more than much older societies.
MORE2019 will be a landmark in the development of the industrialization of marijuana. This derives from the fact that legalization, both for therapeutic and recreational use, is a worldwide trend. Argentina oscillates between the police persecution and the commercial agreements with foreign companies for its industrialization.
MOREArgentina has spent more than half a century with the public sector spending above its public income. High and systematic fiscal deficit leads to money printing that generates inflation, unsustainable growth of the public debt and an anti-export environment that aggravates external constraints and hinders social development.