Nacionales (ingles)
Official data show that students in public schools learn less, live in more overcrowded houses and have fewer computers. In this context, keeping schools closed may contain the contagion, but it will deepen the educational inequality since it hits the poorest children and youngsters hardest. (more…)
MOREThere is no doubt that the health system needs to be reformed. But the direction is not to a single national health system. The reason is that the competencies in health belong to the provinces. For this reason, the most direct way to improve the health system’s efficiency and equity is to tend towards decentralization. (more…)
MOREThe Vice-President, who is already in retirement, was granted a pension by the Judiciary as a former president’s widow. Having benefits without contributions and doubling benefits is not an exception but the rule in the pension system. Making the system sustainable and equitable requires changing these regulations. (more…)
MOREOfficial data indicate that inequality is increasing. This is despite of the enormous welfare deployment. The reason is that social welfare cannot compensate for job losses. Furthermore, social welfare administration needs high management capacity, which is the main scarcity in Argentina’s public sector. (more…)
MOREPension expenditure is growing steadily due to aging and poor pension policies. Changes in the indexation rule do not solve this problem. What is needed is a comprehensive reform of the pension rules in order to give them sustainability with more equity. (more…)
MOREThe conflict between the federal government and CABA exposes the co-participation’s exhaustion. Instead of insisting on a new co-participation law, taxing powers must be returned to the provinces. For the Northern areas, a convergence fund should be rolled out to accelerate their social development. (more…)
MOREUnder-five mortality in Argentina is higher than in Chile and Uruguay. The close to being approved by Congress “1,000 Days Plan” will not solve this deficiency. This Plan will deepen the chaotic overlapping of actions between the federal and the provincial jurisdiction. A public sector modernization is needed instead. (more…)
MOREThe poverty line is close to the median level of formal business wages. It means that many people cannot manage to get out of poverty even when they have a registered private job. This is the consequence of woeful public policies that destroyed productivity. (more…)
MOREOnce again, the pensions indexing rule generates intense controversy. It is overlooked that the pension system’s main problems are the indiscriminate granting of benefits without contributions through moratoria and privilege benefits. The indexing rule does not replace the necessary reform to tackle these problems. (more…)
MOREThe national government generically announced the expansion of the Universal Child Allowance (AUH). To achieve this goal, it is not advisable to eliminate the educational and health conditionalities. What is needed is to reduce the bureaucracy of the State to control conditionalities in a more effective way. (more…)