Sector Público (ingles) archivos - Page 8 of 13 - IDESA

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Sector Público (ingles)

The international prices boom is not enough for Argentina

Historically, the Argentine economy is very sensitive to the international context. However, the economic disaster caused by the fiscal disorder is so deep that the current bonanza is not enough to reverse the decay. Another demonstration that the state’s reordering is urgent and inevitable. (more…)


There are many other cases of abuse, such as VIP vaccination

Favoritism in access to the vaccine caused a lot of irritation. But it is not an isolated incident. The rule in the public sector is civil servants using power to favor relatives and friends. Still more prominent as an entrenched practice –and one much more harmful to the state– are favors appointing new public employees. (more…)


The quantity of money increased by 35% above inflation

Monetary expansion to finance the fiscal deficit in 2020 caused money held by the people to rise well above inflation. With the economy in decline, this generates strong inflationary pressures. In this context, price and wage agreements are merely good intentions, if the public sector is not reformed comprehensively. (more…)


Nation and CABA conflict shows that co-participation must be scrapped

The conflict between the federal government and CABA exposes the co-participation’s exhaustion. Instead of insisting on a new co-participation law, taxing powers must be returned to the provinces. For the Northern areas, a convergence fund should be rolled out to accelerate their social development. (more…)


Death of 4 to 6 children per day could be avoided

Under-five mortality in Argentina is higher than in Chile and Uruguay. The close to being approved by Congress “1,000 Days Plan” will not solve this deficiency. This Plan will deepen the chaotic overlapping of actions between the federal and the provincial jurisdiction. A public sector modernization is needed instead.  (more…)


Half of the wages are below the poverty line

The poverty line is close to the median level of formal business wages. It means that many people cannot manage to get out of poverty even when they have a registered private job. This is the consequence of woeful public policies that destroyed productivity. (more…)


Change in indexing rule dos not solve the pension crisis

Once again, the pensions indexing rule generates intense controversy. It is overlooked that the pension system’s main problems are the indiscriminate granting of benefits without contributions through moratoria and privilege benefits. The indexing rule does not replace the necessary reform to tackle these problems. (more…)


By reforming the public sector, devaluation can be avoided

The primary source of pressure on the official dollar is the excess of money printing. Therefore, the government decided to stop the issuance by switching to debt financing temporarily. This is an effective strategy for the short term. However, to avoid a costly devaluation, a comprehensive State reform is needed. (more…)


Federal state spends 40 times more than it took from BA city



Price freeze deteriorates the quality of the public services
